Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rolly Polly

That's what you are! A rolly polly...because guess who's learned how to roll over?! Well, besides Princess when she wants a treat. You did! exactly 3 months you surprised mama and Nana by rolling over. I had placed you down in the living room on your blankie when I turned around to find you thrusting your legs over and plop..onto your belly. And then I figured "well, his arms are stuck under him..he can't push himself up." But you had to prove me wrong. Slowly but steadily you pulled one arm out from underneath your chest and before I knew it, you were happily pushing yourself up and then looking to the side as if you wanted to be SURE I witnessed this.

Well, other mom's tell me "flukes" like this happen all the time so I had to test it out. Back onto your back you went. And then you firmly showed me that you weren't having any of that! You wanted to be on your tummy. When dad came home you were kinda shy about it, but soon enough you showed him your new milestone. So my kicking froggy is now a rolly polly. Woo hoo!

About a week later we thought we'd try and put you into the exersaucer. It's fun to see how curious you are about all the options in front of you, but only a few of them are within your actual reach. We even have to stick a receiving blanket in there so you won't fall forward and just eat the chair :P

I call this your "Dear God please don't let me bust my head open on this toy" shot.

It's no surprise that you are giddy being in this new toy.

you also enjoy your first baby laptop and even control the mouse. That's my genius.

And here you are with mama chillin out at home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is really gorgeous :] It must be so wonderful to witness his new milestones!


For Rowan David | Desenvolvido por EMPORIUM DIGITAL