Friday, December 12, 2008

Sleepy time

Last night at 4am while you were nursing I opened up the American Pediatrics book on Your Baby's First Year to read up all I could about milestones I should look out for now that you're nearing your one month birthday. One of the big ones is the ability to lift your neck up when you're doing tummy time. Mama is happy to report that you've been doing that since you were about a week old, but you really get gungho about it when you're done nursing. I don't know why that is, but when I lay you on my chest and burp you, shortly thereafter you start doing this crazy dance with your head.

You look this way and that way, you try hard to push up with your arms and most of the time you can't, but last night daddy and I saw you do it! Stop growing up so fast!

As a matter of fact, I took this photo of you with daddy right after you did your "push up." I was hoping you'd do it again ,but instead I got this look from you..Yup the old "mom has the camera in my face AGAIN." That's right my love...say cheeeze and get used to it. You're on mommycam!

I guess today was one of your "off days" because you were quite moody. I changed you numerous times, sang to you, fed you , changed you, sang to you and you cried cried cried. Maybe its the last part that I should omit but I'm still hopeful that you currently find my shrieking voice somewhat comforting. Hey, I"m no Natalie Maines but I really love singing Godspeed to you so humor me for a bit longer if you will.

Thank God you finally fell asleep and that's when I captured these pics of all your cute baby parts. I just love staring at your long fingers and cute toes. Yes, I munch on them. Yes , we play "this little piggy".

Sweet dreams my love.

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