Wednesday, December 10, 2008

When you're asleep....

guess what mama's doing?

I wish I could say sleeping, but there's so much housework to be done that's not quite the answer.
You're such an active little eater that when you take extended naps I end up needing to pump. I've taken up pumping because its a great way to allow you and your daddy to bond when you're hungry (and to give mama a break!) Today though I could have given Elsie the cow a run for her money. I pumped 3 ounces on each side within 5 minutes! That's a full bottle! Holy moley. I don't know why I blogged this for you because you're probably going to think this is weird! :p I just thought it was pretty interesting how God created our bodies to feed our little babies in such an amazing way.
Ps. the weird man in the background is from the movie Iron Man. Daddy is going to make faces when he sees I saw it before he did. Oops.

Shortly after I blogged this you woke up and decided you were starving! Ok, so we gave the new NUK bottles a shot since the Medela ones were causing you to have bad reflux. I think we have a winner. You drank 2 ounces without a problem and you're a happy camper, although you still get the hiccups. We're gonna have to work on finding a solution for that too. Here you are holding onto the new bottle..well trying to anyhow.After a good burp its time for some sights and sounds on the bouncer. You're staring to enjoy this a bit more. I can see you're trying to focus in on the little animals that move on it.

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For Rowan David | Desenvolvido por EMPORIUM DIGITAL